In a time where chaos is constant and natural disasters are leaving places in ruin, getting lost in a good poetry book may be what is needed. These times are calling for voices that will bring hope and uplift spirits that are weary. It is also calling forth those who will cry aloud and spare not for injustice. Poetry inspires us all. It ignites a flame inside that we all carry. Through real life experiences and transparency, poetry can change the lives of many people. It allows them to see they are not alone and that many have similar thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
A Flowing Mine of Jewels is a collection of poetry written by Amber LaMotte and inspired by God. It is empowering, uplifting, and even a bit humorous. There are poems that will touch on seasons of your life when you are at your lowest and need words of encouragement. There are also poems that are very transparent that encourages vulnerability in the lives of the readers. It's okay to be real with yourself acknowledging what is felt on the inside but is often left unspoken. There are even pieces that venture into social justice, things that we should raise our voices about. Finally, there are a handful of love poems that readers will enjoy and may even find themselves relating to. This poetry book is the perfect escape from all that's going on in the world and maybe even your personal lives.
A Flowing Mine of Jewels can be found on Amazon, at booksellers, and libraries. Grab your copy today and emerge yourselves in this free verse rhythmic collection that is a must read. Don't forget to smile!